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Gareth Evans's activity

In group: Exploring Adaptive Space – community of practice

Image of 'Gareth Evans
  • Gareth Evans posted an update in the group Exploring Adaptive Space – community of practice 4 years, 6 months ago

    Dear all,

    Matthew and I are planning to ask Mary to host another webinar on Adaptive Space for us. As this will be an opportunity to build on her previous webinar for Q we were wondering what particular questions or topics would we want Mary to explore?

    My own bid would be for how her work on Complexity Leadership Theory can be applied in real world settings (for example -how do you ‘play in the pressures’ or utilise ‘tags and attractors’?) and for Mary to share her experience on setting up and hosting adaptive spaces – from her experience what helps or hinders…

    Let us know what your questions or areas of interest would be…

    Thanks, Gareth

    • Gareth, I’d be interested in her view on Wenger and Trayner’s ‘Value creation framework’ and an alternative framework.

      You can see a draft version of how I’m trying to use it here There is also a link to a description of the framework



      • Not heard back from Mary yet – fingers-crossed she’ll still be up for doing this.

        Wenger and co have a new book out, applying their Communities of Practice value/impact framework to an HE community.

        Cleo Butterworth has a copy but I don’t think she’s actually read it yet.

        From what I remember, last time Mary was saying that measuring the impact of adaptive work is so far one of the weakest areas. People who do try tend to end up with something rather conventional that misses the point.
        I think she felt that someone just needs to do a good lit review on measurement and impact with adaptive action in mind. Maybe there is some emerging good practice out there…?