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Deepak Ravindran's activity

In group: Sustainable Healthcare

Image of 'Deepak Ravindran
  • Deepak Ravindran posted an update in the group Sustainable Healthcare 2 years, 8 months ago

    Hi to everyone in the group. Thanks for the invite Olivia. I work as a Pain and anaesthetic consultant in Reading, Royal Berkshire Hospital. Sustainable healthcare especially in the outpatient aspect of care and clinical pathway redesign which can be sustainable has become an interest of mine since I read about this for my management module earlier this year. I was always aware about anaesthetic emissions being an issue howeer I sense there is more we can do in other fields like Pain. Our hospital has also set up a sustainabiity steering group recently as part of the actions that they need to do to feed inot the local system sustainability component so it is useful to see what the trust focus is on and how it matches with the work that we do here.
    Look forward to getting more advice from this forum.

    • Welcome, Deepak. It’s great to have you here with us. If you do have a specfic question, please do post it for other members to respond to.

    • You may also like to link up with another member of this group @davidcrabtree who is also a pain consultant and working to transform care in his Trust to be more sustainable. Who else is working in pain medicine or at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in this group?