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Knowledge and Evidence Service Manager

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals FT

Image of 'clarepayne

Member's groups

  • Tools and resources to help support Networks and Network leaders

    Having access to a suite of resources and a dedicated space for learning and sharing with peers is immensely beneficial for Network Leaders. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving field of healthcare, staying informed and connected is crucial. A collaborative environment fosters not only professional growth but also innovation and creativity, which are key to improving healthcare systems and outcomes. By pooling our collective knowledge and experiences, we can co-create solutions that are both dynamic and value-driven.
  • Liberating Structures in healthcare

    This is a place to share tips, tricks, challenges, plans, ’strings’ and more around using ’Liberating Structures’ for health and care improvement.

    We also meet online on the first Thursday of each month (see […]

  • Making use of patient experience

    Do we over-measure patient experience? Are we helped by the Friends and Family Test, CQC patient surveys, NHS Choices star ratings, Patient Opinion snapshot comments, local Healthwatch reports, Trust and CCG […]

  • Learning from Excellence

    Whilst it is important to learn from events where things have not gone well, the majority of healthcare interactions go safely. Despite this, we have focus the much of our learning about safety from adverse events, […]

  • Co-production

    In co-produced health care, organisations work with people who use services, carers and communities in equal partnership. It’s easy to do it wrong and quite hard to get it right, but it isn’t rocket science, and […]

  • Impact and power of storytelling in health

    This group is convened by Lesley Goodburn.

    This a group to explore the use of storytelling in healthcare looking at the use of stories in improvement as well as therapeutic interventions. The group will look […]

  • Urgent and Emergency Care

    The importance of keeping the front door of acute services open, flowing and safe for patients has never been greater. With a relentless increase in numbers attending ED, OOH services at breaking point in the […]

  • Women’s Health

    This group aims to:
    – Oversee QI projects within the women’s health domain and help Health Foundation to facilitate wider dissemination of approved projects.

    Provide strategic insights, planning to address u […]

  • Evidence 4 Quality Improvement

    Home of the @Evidence4QI project (Q Exchange-funded). Supporting Quality Improvement (QI) teams to use evidence and knowledge in QI projects, working in partnership with the Library and Knowledge Services community.