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Andrea Jamieson (She/Her)

National Associate Director for Unscheduled Care

Scottish Government

Image of 'Andrea Jamieson


Andrea is the National Associate Director for Unscheduled Care in the Directorate for the Chief Operating Officer in the Scottish Government.

She has been part of the Unscheduled Care Team for over 7 years, and has worked with colleagues across the system to develop and implement many of the nationally designed, locally delivered improvement tools in use across NHS Scotland. The new Integrated Urgent and Unscheduled Care National Collaborative Programme launched in June 2022, and is centred around adopting a High Impact Change Model to deliver whole-system, sustainable change to the way people access and receive care.

Andrea has a passion for improving the quality and timeliness of care (and for making things better for those who deliver care). Prior to joining SG, she worked with many particularly challenged Trusts in England and abroad to deliver breakthrough improvements. Andrea has a MSc in Healthcare Management and the use of Management Methodologies in Health and Social Care.

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