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In group: PSIRF – Patient Safety Incident Response Framework

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  • Peter Dudgeon posted an update in the group PSIRF – Patient Safety Incident Response Framework 4 months ago

    Hi Everyone. I’m currently looking at progress against PSIRF implementation in Moorfields and wondered how others were judging the progress towards PSIRF implementation. Progress against the 4 aims? Progress against the ‘organisational musts’ as outline by national guidance? Other measures of success/ progress? Would also be good to hear  how far down the implementation path you are. Thanks in advance. 

    • Hi Peter. Its a great question and one which I may have some answers to in July as im undertaking a national survey to learn about organisations’ use of the PSRIF Learning Response Tools with a particular focus on After Action Review. (since that is my specialist interest.) The responses won’t answer your question precisely, but will help give insight into the ways in which the PSIRF is being implemented. I will be sharing a link to the survey in two weeks time, through here and via PS Managers Network etc. And will likewise share links to the results via this forum as well as others.

      • Hi Pete and Judy,
        I have a related query: is there a maturity model that comes with PSIRF, or is anyone creating one?

        If anyone’s interested in how to identify the most fruitful targeted learning relationships (between orgs, ICSs etc) for the key aspects of PSIRF, I have some ‘River’ and ‘Stairs’ diagrams created by Q member Chris Collison, that show what it would look like (as I’ve shared with Pete).
        It needs people to self-assess against a maturity model, to make clear where the learning opportunities are.
        The one I have is actually done around NHS IMPACT self-assessment, but the diagrams will look very similar, and the principles are the same.
        If anyone is trying to broker such learning with PSIRF and would like to see Chris Collison’s diagrams let me know and I can share them with you.

      • HI Matthew could you possibly share this with me?

      • Hi Matthew – it is a really interesting idea and one i am interested in creating re a maturity model to help Trust’s self assess PSIRF/systems thinking application. It is good to know there is wider interest in this 🙂

    • Hi Matthew Could you share Chris Collinsons maturity model please . Thanks Barbara

    • Hi, I would also be interested in seeing the maturity model, many thanks Katie