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    • Hi Kate

      Welcome to the nurturing and weaving networks SIG. This is a members space so we are always keen on ideas of how we can use it.

      The past year has been spent exploring challenges to network effectiveness and looking at tools which can help our networks be more effective and also help our development as network leaders. Much of this work has been influenced by the Network Weavers Handbook produced by June Holley as well as additional resources which we have shared e.g. from Liberating structures and members own resources.

      We have produced 3 tools which shall be launched soon, we are just working on a launch date. These resources are

      A curiosity poster to invite people to be more curious about network weaving and where more information can be found

      A tools and resources booklet which offers a range of ideas to address the main issues identified to date which can help improve network effectiveness

      A reflective workbook for those interested in developing their roles within the networks they are members of

      We are really excited to be sharing these and are keen to see how we can ensure we many people know about them as possible, as we recognise in these challenging times, our networks matter as no one group or organisation has all the answers alone. Its when we work together real change can happen.

      Looking forward to connecting further

      Kind regards
