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    • Hello Suzanne

      Welcome to the Nurturing and Weaving Networks SIG, we really are keen that this space reflects the interests and vision of its members so please if you have any ideas of things you would like to see please get in touch. My direct email is

      Things at the moment include

      1st December joint endeavour with LS active learning session on Wise Crowds

      6th December think tank open to all interested in exploring ideas on how we roll out and share learning and ideas which help make Networks more effective

      9th Dec joint endeavour with staff wellbeing SIG looking at personal battery levels

      New booklet in creation around tools and ideas to support Networks

      Reflective workbook in development around ourselves as Network Weavers

      New Active learning sessions in the New Year
      New 6 weekly Peer Assist sessions creating a safe space to share common challenges as well stories of success around Networking and Network weaving

      Looking forward to connecting

      kind regards