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Kate Phillips's activity

In group: Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers)

Image of 'Kate Phillips
  • Kate Phillips posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all, I just wanted to share an activity we’ve trialled for virtual PDSAs.

    We tried folding T-shirts for PDSA in some recent online training.

    5mins or so of Model for Improvement theory and examples of how it relates to improvement in healthcare.
    Then put people into breakout rooms, allocate roles- timer, quality control, ‘doer’ t-shirt folder and data recorder. The doer drops a t-shirt on the floor from the same height and then has to fold it perfectly- to meet a picture on the slide show. They need to be able to move their camera to show the team the t-shirt, QC then scores it etc. Worked really well, and nice to get delegates off into breakout rooms to do an activity.
    We then get delegates back into the main room to give their feedback to us via the chat box.

    Any other ideas or suggestions please comment 🙂

    • Hi Kate, Thanks for sharing. How did you come up with the idea of using a t-shirt? How did the trial go and did the message of PDSA’s come across well doing it this way?

      • Hello, sorry for this very late response! I think the t-shirt idea was my colleague Dave Evans suggestion.. not sure where it came from! The trial went well, we’ve tried it as individuals completing it at home and also as a team in break out rooms (i’ve sent some slides to this group). I think my preferred approach is now..

        Model for improvement theory- 5mins
        Individuals completing coin spinning PDSA- 5 mins
        Teams completing t-shirt PDSAs in break out rooms- 10mins

        I think the team approach works well because you can allocate roles for quality as well as time.

        Any thoughts please let me know 🙂

    • Hi Kate,
      This sounds like a really great exercise that anyone could do if working remotely. Would you be happy to share the slides you used with the group? Many thanks, Emma