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Rosie Graham's activity

In group: Sustainable Healthcare

Image of 'Rosie Graham
  • Rosie Graham posted an update in the group Sustainable Healthcare 3 years, 11 months ago

    In line with the Health Foundation’s mission to improve health and health care for all in the UK, we are committed to embedding environmental sustainability across the organisation.
    We are currently exploring how we can embed environmental sustainability into our grant making practices and investigating the opportunities and challenges for making this happen.
    We are conducting short interviews with current grant holders throughout July to gather perspectives on how we could make changes to our processes, and the impact that these changes could have. We’re also interested in hearing how sustainability considerations interact with grant holders’ work and whether there are any areas in which the Health Foundation could usefully offer to support.
    Interviews will last a maximum of half an hour and are open to any organisation that currently holds a Health Foundation grant.
    If this sounds like something you would be interested in contributing to, please email and/or for more details.