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Jen Knight's activity

In group: Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers)

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  • Jen Knight posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Lou and everyone,
    I’m Jen and I work in the Quality Improvement Team at Berkshire Healthcare – a Community and Mental Health Trust covering the whole of Berkshire. We’re @BerkshireQI on twitter if you fancy following!! We try and share lots there (but could do more!)
    Our geographic location (most of the M4 corridor!) means we have always looked for different ways to do things, but nothing as much as now! We were an early GDE Trust (global digital exemplar) which means we have been extra lucky in the amount of investment and intrastructure already in place across our organisation.
    In terms of training, we have Yellow and Green Belt lean training, and we had an extended (over several months) training by division, on our quality management system (QMIS). We have done ad-hoc sessions around use of A3, and other QI Tools too, and facilitated improvement events. There have been sessions with service users and carers to work on improvements, and also some specific professional groups such as medics.
    Before Covid, we did most training face to face backed up with online (MS Teams) coaching sessions. We’ve use the Teams functions lots over the last year to share resources, peer network, and upload copies of resources we have. In our face to face sessions, we use polls, videos we’ve made, etc. We’ve tried to do bitesize videos to share learning – such as “QI In 90 seconds”, etc. Zoom is banned in our organisation (but we have work-arounds planned for breakout rooms until MS get a move on and make breakout rooms!).
    Covid means we are planning all virtually at the moment. We are just starting testing of our White Belt training, via an e-learning package (Our organisation uses Articulate and Storyline). This link which is a nice ‘how to’ – I recommend the section “content is crucial” when planning any e-learning or online sessions as it really helps the planning! We are in the planning & development stages for moving all our QMIS training to virtual – the Q sessions and Lou’s links have been fab. We’ve also been looking across the twitter-sphere to see what we can learn, and how we can deliver. I like the look of Miro. Lots of our activities in those, and the yellow/green belt, are really hands on, and we can adapt based on learners in the room, on the day. we don’t want to lose that. The coaching that runs alongside the management system training, is almost simpler for us. I’m keen to hear about everyone’s activities that they are developing. 🙂 We’re not dismissing that some training and work may be face to face in the future – we’re just planning for more of a blend. We’re developing lots of self-service videos which can be accessed flexibly via our intranet, interactive documents (where we can have text or images that you click on to take you to more video/internet resources) and webinars.
    Can’t wait to hear more about what everyone is doing!

    • PS – sorry for the epic length of that!!

      • We are using MS Teams too Jen and trying out how we might have breakout rooms within our sessions – we did a small test last week using different channels within the team and adding people to each breakout – is that what you did or do you have other tips?

    • Hi Marie, we’re testing the channels way… we haven’t found anything better yet. It’s a little clunky, so best to set up all in advance, and have each one open as the facilitator so you dont have to come ‘in and out’ you can just switch. We’re also considering the idea of a breakout room for technical issues so it doesnt detract from the main thing we’re working on, if one or two people have issues, but not sure if this might single out those who struggle, or mean they miss other content.