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Victoria Lavin's activity

In group: Building improvement capability across boundaries

Image of 'Victoria Lavin
  • Victoria Lavin posted an update in the group Building improvement capability across boundaries 4 years, 11 months ago

    We are looking to develop an oncology for later life service within one of our cancer satellite centres. This will involve identifying potentially frail patients from primary care eFrailty index, initiating a comprehensive geriatric assessment in secondary care, tailoring oncology treatment accordingly in a tertiary setting and managing non-oncology needs in the primary care/ community setting. Seems like a lot of boundaries to cross but not sure if this is the sort of idea for Q Exchange? Any experience or help much appreciated!

    • Sounds like a really important area for learning Victoria. What does everyone else think? I was curious about which elements of this would help to build improvement capability do you think? Would it be developing cross sector materials or resources or would it be training or agreeing a coordinated QI approach? I could see lots of potential ideas and am interested in where you have got to in your thinking?
      I suspect this group can help to test and refine bid ideas.
      Best wishes

      • Thanks Anna. I think maybe our idea is too clinical at present. We have ideas around introducing frailty training across sectors but also want to develop a coordinated QI approach to broaden and improve each element of the service once it is up and running.

    • Thanks Victoria. Luckily there’s plenty of time to mull this over 😀and maybe others will have great ideas to add too.