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john mortimer's activity

In group: Reimagining Health and Care

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  • john mortimer posted an update in the group Reimagining Health and Care 5 years, 1 month ago

    SEND is problematic in all areas of the country. Is there anyone working with changing SEND and seeing successful outcomes?

    • I manage a Speech and Language Therapy team which is funded by the LA and NHS, as well as other funders. We are talking about joint commissioning but making this a reality is mainly talk at the moment. On the ground we work together well but joining up at the top seems trickier. We found that the joint area SEND inspection was a good experience for pulling us together and making relationships. Have you had one of those yet? We have been talking about the importance of joint outcomes but nothing concrete. I definitely think that is the answer. Also, the EHCP process being more joint across disciplines.

      • Thats interesting, I would be interested to hear any progress you will be making. I am currently at the start of some analysis in SEND, but the team there is so stressed. But we have found some very odd behaviours that the system and stress is creating in the SEND staff. The amount of waste and poor communication is being seen as being a significant part of the system characteristics.

    • Do you know @NeilDunford also a member of the SIG?

    • thanks @jane-pightling
      Hi @import, hoping you had a great break… yes, I work with SEND in East London- I’m involved in what I feel are a few interesting projects- would be happy to go into detail around them, here are the headlines
      1) Connect with Me – Carousel model, 6 rooms, 6 families, 10 weeks, families move around rooms spending 20 minutes in each… the rooms are 1) Speech Therapy, 2) Music Therapy, 3) Attention Autism 4) Family Support (my room) 5) OT 6) Sensory play — The london borough of Newham are looking to scale this up through Childrens Centres

      2) E-PAtS (Early Postive Approaches to Support ) done in collaboration with Mencap, Tizard Centre Uni of Kent, Newham SEND Hub and the Peer Support Network I coordinate (East London SEND Net) 8 week early intervention co-facilitated parenting program, with elements of PBS, PCAS |(person centred active support) sleep, communication, challenging behavoiur- once again, London Borough of Newham looking to scale up across childrens centres

      3) Communities of Practice in Tower Hamlets, so far I have we have one up and running, wherein we convene a meeting with Ot’s SaLT’s, Clinical Pschologists, EP’s etc and create a space where a conversation with Parent carers can be had on the subject of eating difficulties for children with developmental delay – we are working with Liberating Structures to facilitate the horizontal conversation… off the back of this we are now in the process of creating a CoP for Challenging behaviour and also for more complex, medical conditions—in the early stages but its looking like we may have captured a zetigeist as much Coproduction efforts are waning and yet still there’s a meaningful conversation to be had

      • Hi Neil, that’s very interesting and thanks for talking the time for writing your details. I am certainly interested in what you are involved with, but at the moment I am embroiled trying to help a county council to sort out their SEND service – in particular the EHCP. What you have written is also integrated into the whole service, but my organisation is currently a long way off the place where you are. But another strand of my work is closer to the community engagement and families helping each other, like you describe.

        I would certainly be happy to have a further conversation with you on the phone if that is possible?