Tom has practiced as a team midwife delivering caseload-based care, a senior charge midwife within a neonatal unit and an advanced neonatal nurse practitioner. He is currently a Principal Educator for the Women’s, Children, Young People and Families team within NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and has been a midwife since 1999. He is the strategic lead for the Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme (SMMDP) and has additional responsibility for national midwifery, maternity and neonatal workforce and educational developments. He is a board member for the Scottish Cot Death Trust and the Consultant Editor for the British Journal of Midwifery. From an international perspective he has contributed to evidence-based guidance for newborn skin care and taught neonatal nurses in Vietnam. He has also published numerous peer reviewed articles and contributes to midwifery textbooks including Rankin's Physiology in Childbearing.
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