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Timothy Mason's activity

In group: Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers)

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  • Timothy Mason posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 2 months ago

    Hello All
    Just wanted to share our progress with Virtual Sim.

    360 Simulation for training is proving popular both remotely (on MS teams) and with VR headsets face to face.

    As mentioned previously these are pre-filmed (with a 360 camera) simulation scenarios (not acted). We then edit them slightly and use them for education sessions with a subsequent debrief chat.

    We have run sessions for 4-40 people with really positive feedback about accessibility and safety.

    I’m running some remote 360 sims for a return to training course later this month and will be including some in the Royal college of Paediatrics and child health (RCPCH) national sepsis course. All run remotely over MS teams. Debrief can be challenging as can the tech working!
    We’ve shared the links to filmed scenarios with 4-5 other hospitals (including a large children’s hospital) making sessions effectively free for them!

    I’ve also run local sessions with the same scenarios loaded onto VR headsets and have met enthusiasm id never dreamed of. Participants find them engaging and safer than sim sessions (which we all know can be nerve racking).

    Here’s an example of a 360 sim

    Contact me if you have any questions or inquiries
    @drtimmason or