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  • Sid Beech posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 8 months ago

    Hello everyone.
    We’re working on the “Quality Coach Development Programme”, and we’d love your help with co-designing the programme and content. The programme was one of the 2019 Q Exchange winning ideas and since winning we’ve co-designed a broad programme structure with Q Members that we feel are essential for those coaching others in improvement.

    Our next steps are to bring together subject-matter experts on the following topics, in order to write teaching materials:
    – Deeper Understanding of QI
    – Leading Change
    – Self-reflecting
    – Coaching skills
    – Working with groups
    We’re hoping to design and develop the content for the programme over the next few months, with a pilot of the programme in the new year.

    The end result of our work will be a free-to-use resource for all Q members, to support the development of Quality Coaches in the NHS and beyond.

    If you’re interested in developing this programme, writing material or getting involved in any way please get in touch.

    More info:

    • Hello,

      I was very pleased to read about this project and the work that has been done to date.
      We provide coaching for staff attending QI Programmes and it’s been my aim for some time to look at accessing a standardised programme to develop our coaches within the organisation.

      I’m 100% interested in getting involved in developing this programme, how do I register my interest?

      • Hello Sharon,

        We’re hoping that this programme will offer a more standardised approach to coaching for improvement – currently ‘coaching’ in QI means a lot of different things, depending on who you ask!

        If you email me ( I can share our progress so far and/or set up a quick call.


    • Hi Sid, I would be more than happy to help and support this. I have experience of delivering QI Coach programmes. Emma