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Sarah Atkinson's activity

In group: Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers)

Image of 'Sarah Atkinson
  • Sarah Atkinson posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Everyone, I’m Sarah, I work in the Kaizen Team at Western Sussex Hospitals and am the lead for delivering our lean management system (PFIS). Like everyone else we’re thinking about how we can take our usually very hands-on and interactive training and make it virtual. However, I am still a little ‘on the fence’ about making our training virtual. I’m worried we’ll lose so much of the inter-personal interactions that make our training so enjoyable and so have been spending a lot of time looking at how we can comply with social distancing and still maintain face to face training. I’m getting to a question (lol)……… has anyone established ‘voice of the customer’ around virtual training? I’m thinking about how I might collate this. I want to establish what good looks like in terms of virtual training in the eyes of the trainees. What is the success criteria for virtual training? Are learning outcomes altered as a result?? I’d love to hear some other thoughts or practical experience on this.

    • Hi Sarah – I agree about the inter-personal interactions – the networking and connections made are some of the key successes of our events and that is difficult to do virtually. We are starting to have early conversations with our key partners about our improvement programmes so will be gathering some feedback about what will work for them in the sessions – will need to think about how to best collate and use this.