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In group: Philosophy and ethics for health care improvement

Image of 'Rollo Moore
  • Rollo Moore posted an update in the group Philosophy and ethics for health care improvement 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Does it ring a distant alarm bell that the ‘artificial intelligence’ industry has taken up ‘ethics programs’ with what might be described as ‘a vengeance’? This metaphor succinctly describes my concerns growing for a balanced approach to ethics as may or may not be applied to any industry (within the competitive framework we call ‘market economics’).

    A particular example is how the term ‘ethics’ is similarly applied to healthcare and weapons. It seems to be a mixed model of dubious ethical standards. A bit like ‘greenwashing’ only darker. Is this question out of bounds in the group?

    My concern is that the details we care about for healthcare are minutiae compared to the wider picture. Can we say ’twas ever thus’ and carry on in our niche? Do we have a choice and if so, how do we exercise it?

    • Interesting point, is the conversation then less about ‘ethics’……… rules of conduct and instead about morals ‘Principles or habits relating to right or wrong conduct, based on an individual’s own compass of right and wrong.’ but then we get into the debate about each individuals’ moral compass and what we each see as right or wrong? is it we need another way of thinking around values which offer activity which at the very least does no harm? but then we enter a debate into what does ‘no harm’ mean, whose values?. How do we avoid disappearing down the rabbit hole of debate and disagreement and instead focus on how do we create a fairer, healthier, safer world for everyone ..including the planet………. ah another debate what does that mean to everyone? May be we just need to start somewhere then build from there, caring that what we do brings something positive into the world……….. that’s what gets me through the day, I see the big picture but look at what is the 15% in my control, that can help people and the planet suffer less…..

      • That 15% is really important. I like this image from the fantastic Sonia Sparkles: Sorry can’t add it here. I’ll put it in a new post.

      • “I see the big picture but look at what is the 15% in my control, that can help people and the planet suffer less”
        thanks Hilda. I get swamped by the dread of lack/loss of control – it is a good post and point.
        Objectivity vs subjectivity – individual vs communal – all a choice. Fairness and all outlooks evolve.

    • When I was introduced to the idea of the reticular activating system, it really gave me pause for thought about what I was locking into /and locking out. So much so I created a reflective workbook to help others who may be interested in considering the filters they use to see the world through, also with support from a colleague made a wee introductory video

      It is understanding in the times we find ourselves living in that we lock into threats and reasons to feel overwhelmed, we are fed this every day in so many ways. However, it drains our energy to invest in where perhaps we can make a difference, no matter how small, and find our way back to a sense of peace of mind, regardless of what life is throwing at us, finding things to lock into which remind us there is still hope in the world, matters

      ”When things are going well, we don’t need to look hard to find reasons to smile. When we feel surrounded by challenges, it can be harder to find hope and a reason to smile. However, when we are feeling overwhelmed, it matters more than ever. We find the good that still exists in ourselves, each other, and the planet. Sometimes we need to look very hard. However, it is there, remember people care and you do matter, there is still kindness and hope in the world, let’s lock into that and find ways where we all suffer less”

      Its what helps me get through the day and to keep going even when it feels ”where is the point, does anything I do make a difference’?’. We do make a difference, every single one of us, we may not always see it, but its there, every time we put some gesture of kindness, compassion, consideration, out into the world, we help be part of building a safe harbour against the storm.

      Hilda 🙂

      • Thanks Hilda, I followed the link and saw the RAS video, and am looking at the workbook you and team created.
        It’s the second time in a few days that looking at the local and acting ‘here and now’ has been referred to. Here, and by a 91yo still strong gentleman I met a few years ago. His stories and rollercoaster history and his fraternal outlook, overcoming various expectations have made me on a different scale too.
        looking forward to making some difference still.

    • Hi Rollo

      I am kind of on that journey too, around where we invest our energy, more and more I am thinking of the time spent in meetings going in circles and not really being able to influence the big picture in any meaningful way, then I think about the work I do directly with people and while the impact may not be as grand as a systems shift, it still makes a difference. I am minded of the tale of the young person on the beach, there are thousands of star fish washed in on the tide, they pick them up one by one, and takes them back out to sea an adult comes along and tells them they are wasting their time, next time the tide comes in there will be more starfish, you cant make a difference. The young person looks at the starfish in their hand and says ‘I can make a difference for this one’ more and more I am thinking what is my 15% and how much of my energy is being taken up where it does not have an impact and where it could be better invested.

      Sometimes we help build that kinder world, one person at a time

      Hilda 🙂