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Rachel Houghton's activity

In group: Building improvement capability across boundaries

Image of 'Rachel Houghton
  • Rachel Houghton posted an update in the group Building improvement capability across boundaries 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hello Everyone,

    Lot’s of interesting ideas on this already and my initial thoughts are around the culture that we are currently working within that creates boundaries beyond the geography.
    Within NUH we have a strong Shared Governance programme that is transforming the culture we work in using disseminated leadership and increasing autonomy on the frontline.
    I would be interested in using this across the ICS to empower frontline staff to create improvements together and provide capacity within their normal working lives to increase understanding and relationships in a way that get’s the best out of services.
    The improvement projects are actually the secondary benefit to the culture that is created and could potentially reap benefits of continuous improvement work. This would be incredibly complex to navigate but definitely worth it.

    • Thanks Rachel, great to hear about. Are you using NHSI’s culture toolkit or something unique to NUH?

      • Hi Anna,

        Shared Governance is a different model but it is not unique to NUH as it has been used in the private sector and other trusts are also using the model. As far as I am aware though it has only been used for staff within a single organisation and not across pathways.
        We are currently trialling it with 1 of our councils- The integrated discharge function who look at improving discharge and includes staff from outside of NUH working across the pathway. Although it is in its infancy it is showing promising signs of development and has helped to build the relationships and understanding of each others role.

        This does not come without its challenges as you can imagine but I think is something worth expanding on across other pathways. I find the prospect quite exciting!

        We have a video that will hopefully explain shared governance a bit more

    • Thanks Rachel. Loved the video. You personally came across so well 😊 and to see the enthusiasm from everyone involved was inspiring. Thanks for sharing.