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Nicola Kershaw (She/Her)

Associate Director of Improvement and Programme Delivery

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

Image of 'Nicola Kershaw


I currently lead the Improvement and Programme Delivery Team (Programme Management Office, Quality Improvement and Programme/Project Management Team) for Cambridge and Peterborough Foundation Trust. To date, I have reliably and consistently delivered change in both individual organisations and across complex integrated systems of varying levels of maturity. I have clear demonstrable experience of:

• Delivering complex programmes of work using programme and project management methodology
• Successful service re-design using improvement science approaches
• Strategic planning, development, and deployment
• Influencing and negotiating beyond organisational and role boundaries
• Business case development (Strategic, Outline, Full)
• Identifying productivity and efficiencies at service, organisational and multi-partner levels
• A strong track record for rapidly building trust, accountability, and credibility
• Leading turnaround of failing projects/programmes
• Organisational development skills and understanding to create high performing teams

One of my proudest accomplishments has been receiving an award in 2018 from the then Deputy Prime Minister for my academic and voluntary contribution to Mental Health organisations. As well as receiving commendation from Sir Simon Stevens in co-developing an implementation approach to Elective Recovery during the pandemic with Dr Rachel Joyce.

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