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Matthew Mezey's activity

In group: Liberating Structures in healthcare

Image of 'Matthew Mezey
  • Matthew Mezey posted an update in the group Liberating Structures in healthcare 1 year, 9 months ago

    Q is seeking an organisation to supply a Community Convener team – any suggestions?

    As part of our Participation Strategy work, Q is seeking to add a small team of (part-time) Community Conveners (aka Network Weavers).

    If you are an organisation that can provide this, or know an organisation that might be able to, please let me know.

    Many thanks for your help.

    Further info:

    Q Community Conveners

    What is the Q Community?
    Q is an initiative connecting people who have improvement expertise across the UK and Ireland. There are over 4700 members, and the community continues to grow.
    Q’s mission is to foster continuous and sustainable improvement in health and care, creating opportunities for people to come together as an improvement community to share ideas, enhance skills and collaborate to make health and care better.
    It is jointly funded by the NHS and The Health Foundation.

    The Q community convener role
    Over the last 10 months the Q community has co-developed a refreshed participation strategy with its members, focused on making Q is “A purposeful community, building connection and agency through its people, spaces and programmes”.

    To support the achievement of the objectives detailed in this strategy, Q is seeking a supplier organisation to act as Community Conveners for the Q Community. This will strengthen its existing capacity to identify, catalyse and nurture potential collaborations across the network.

    The work of this Community Conveners team will result in an increase in projects, events, connections and agency across the whole community.

    What we’re looking for
    We are looking for an organisation to work as an embedded team within Q, providing 3-5 Community Conveners, working closely with Q’s Community Manager.

    Each Community Convener should have 3-5 years’ experience catalysing collaborations and supporting community development.

    This could be in areas such as:

    – Developing and nurturing online communities/communities of practice/learning networks
    – Co-design/ co-production initiatives
    – Community organising

    Q Community Convener skills include:

    • Identifying needs through support conversations with community members
    • Facilitating connections between members, welcoming/onboarding
    • Catalysing innovations/projects by convening members (across boundaries)
    • Catalysing and coordinating community-wide online (eg Zoom) and offline events and activities
    • Supporting and coaching/training community leaders, and their projects
    • Using collaborative tools and principles (eg Liberating Structures, co-design)
    • Developing infrastructure for collaborations
    • Developing and evaluating new engagement and collaboration processes and reporting
    • Rapidly building relationships and networks
    • Communicating the learning from events, projects etc (eg via blogs, Twitter, YouTube etc).
    • Horizon-scanning for new developments and emerging themes in health & care and quality improvement
    • Network mapping

    Community Conveners should be UK-based and able to attend regular events in UK.

    We aim to have this team in place in November/December, with procurement in August.

    How to express interest
    Send email to by 21st July 5pm.