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Matthew Mezey's activity

In group: Allied Health Professions in Quality Improvement

Image of 'Matthew Mezey
  • Matthew Mezey posted an update in the group Allied Health Professions in Quality Improvement 4 years, 10 months ago


    We already have around 20 people signed up for the informal AHPs & QI lunchtime meet-up – and more may join on the day who haven’t yet registered their sessions.

    Make sure you get along to Hall 2 at lunchtime to meet other AHPs for this!

    If you have any ideas for what you’d like to do in this SIG in future, do share them with @naomi-burden (who convenes this SIG), or share it in this online group space.

    It would be great to get some more activities going, perhaps in the new year…

    • hello everyone and thanks for the update Matthew! Great to see that so many of you will be at the event on Wednesday and I’ll look forward to meeting you. I’m really keen to continue the discussion Naomi started in the summer; exploring our shared purpose – what do we want this group to be; what would successful as a member of this group look like for you, and how will we make that happen together. If you’re not able to come please share your thoughts! How brilliant to have 105 of us AHPs working in QI interested enough to sign up – let’s see what we could do together!