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Mark Pearson

Senior Lecturer in Implementation Science & Knowledge Mobilisation

Hull York Medical School, University of Hull

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I am a social scientist focusing on knowledge mobilisation and implementation issues in health and social services. My research focuses on how the use of knowledge in practice is enabled or inhibited by the interaction of social, psychological and organisational factors.

I use theory-driven methods, including realist approaches, to conduct research that addresses two stages of the MRC Complex Interventions Framework:

1. Development - Identifying and building the implementation and impact theories that underpin the ways in which complex interventions are proposed to work.

2. Evaluation - Identifying and refining understanding of implementation mechanisms that are transferable across fields of practice.

My research harnesses scientific rigour and the practical learning of stakeholders to improve health outcomes and research impact. My role within the Wolfson Centre for Palliative Care Research includes teaching, facilitation and methodological development so that practitioners’, service users’, decision-makers’, and researchers’ capacity to research and use ‘knowledge about how to use knowledge in practice’ is increased.

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