Mark Sadler
Founder at Hootvox.
Hootvox - ePREM - Qualitative and Quantitative Analytics.
England - national
Measurement is everything and there are lots of quotes by Deming and others about it, yet I don't see much of it around patient experience.
If I have a 'cause' it is to measure the patient experience. If we don't put the patient at the centre of Q and our QI work then how do we know if we have improved something?
I am the Founder of Hootvox the only digital-first patient feedback solution, the only system which provides measurement robust enough to be used for Kaizen activity. The Patient's perception is your reality and I am really keen that we measure the patients perceptions as well as clinical outcomes. Currently there is not much in this space that is either reliable or cost effective.
HOOTVOX - Patient Feedback Software. Quantitative data. The only Digital-First Patient Feedback solution which automatically surveys patients after they are discharged from hospital, with surveys specific to the ward and the patient sent by email or text. Feedback collected off-site avoids positive bias and response rates are over 25%
PULSE - Artificial Intelligence Software. Qualitative Analytics, our Sentiment Analysis software Reads, Understands, Sorts and Scores free text comments in patient and staff feedback helping you to understand the 'tone and pitch' of what people are saying about their experiences.
I was introduced to Kaizen at Honda of the UK Manufacturing in Swindon where I worked in Cost Control Purchasing with a mostly European supply base before moving to Honda Europe (Belgium) to establish the Cost Control function for the European aftermarket.
I have been involved at various levels in Kaizen teams and events both inside Honda and in supplier's factories across Europe.
I have started a SIG with Miles Sibley around patient feedback, if you're interested do please check it out and get in touch with one of us.
I am also supporting the Radiotherapy SIG lead by Isabel Ho to develop a national Electronic Patient Report Experience Measures (ePREM), to collect meaningful data and provide live results to drive timely patient centred improvement at large scale.
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