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  • Hi all
    I’m part of a team that is exploring place based group consultations for a range of long term conditions.
    We propose that this can be tested for one or several clinical pathways to assess scalability.

    Group consultations will help to systematise planned and follow up care and will better address the psycho-social needs of people living with long term conditions. The holistic nature of group care will support improving the mental health and emotional well-being of those individuals and also aims to reduce social isolation by connecting people with peers and those who have lived similar experiences.

    This programme also provides the opportunity to test a new care model and approach to delivering planned care through partnerships with community, voluntary sector organisations and NHS providers.

    Is this a project that others will be interested in collaborating on?

    • Hi Larry – great to see your ideas. There’s a huge amount of really exciting work going on in Surrey Heartlands to transform outpatient care and this sounds like a great addition. Are you linked in with the programme team there?


      • Hi Sarah,
        sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you.
        I am linked in to some aspects of the Surrey Heartlands Transformation work through the planned care team – but you are also right in saying there is a huge amount happening currently.
        I’d been keen to avoid any duplication so will also be sharing this idea with colleagues

        Any thoughts and feedback from you on this idea would be greatly appreciated