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Kujan Paramanantham

Network Manager

Thames Valley & Wessex Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network

Image of 'Kujan Paramanantham

Member's groups

  • Liberating Structures in healthcare

    This is a place to share tips, tricks, challenges, plans, ’strings’ and more around using ’Liberating Structures’ for health and care improvement.

    We also meet online on the first Thursday of each month (see […]

  • Q Visits

    This is a place to continue conversations from any of the Q Visits held to date. Use this space to share updates on new insights, resources, and any progress or challenges you’ve encountered since applying your […]

  • Building improvement capability across boundaries

    This group is open to anyone interested in discussing, exploring and collaborating on project ideas for the Q Exchange 2019 theme, “Building improvement capabilities across boundaries”

  • Measurement for Improvement

    Are you interested in how we can make the best use of data to inform decision-making and take appropriate action?  Are you frustrated that two point comparisons and RAG reports continue to dominate much of the […]

  • Oxford AHSN (Thames Valley area) Group

    A group for Q members in the Thames Valley area to communicate, share and learn with and from each other. Supported by the Oxford Patient Safety Collaborative as part of the Oxford AHSN.

    This group is […]