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Gary Hawkins (He/Him)


NEBS Systems Ltd

Image of 'Gary Hawkins


So this is me.

Primary school report of "Unteachable and breeding juvenile delinquent" when the reality was likely undiagnosed ADHD and dyslexia.

Proud son of Flt Lt Garth Hawkins RAF permanently seconded to 22 Squadron SAS and killed in the Falklands war on 19 May 1982.

Qualified as a commercial pilot and flying instructor acing all written exams with the highest scores in my ground school cohort .... many were RAF fast jet pilots and red arrows. Unfortunately, inherent self-doubt and poor self-confidence killed any chance of acing face-to-face interviews. The 9/11 tragedy and the collapse of the aviation market also quashed my dreams of flying.

Suffered an engine failure in a Cessna 150 over the Solent when taking scouts for air experience flights in 2000 and made an emergency landing on Highcliffe beach with zero damage to the aircraft or the 12-year-old scout.  Hit the press.

Lived life experience of mental health and neurodiversity having bipolar, anxiety, dyslexia and I'm sure a small sprinkling of ADHD & autism.
I'm a survivor of trying to take my own life
I am currently in remission.

I have over 35 years front-line service in the NHS as a registered Learning Disability nurse working in residential and community services including specialist behavioural and forensic services. Managed teams of 30+ staff and budgets of 2 million of public money.

I'm now retired from front-line NHS patient-facing work and freelance for NHSE as a Chair and Expert Clinician on Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews, and supporting with oversight visits in secure hospitals.

Why have I shared the above? To let you know, if you connect with me, maybe invest in me or come to support me, who I am.

I have learned to be tough.
I have learned to survive.
But most importantly I have also learned that many people tread similar or often more tricky paths .. so have learned compassion, tolerance and empathy.

My company (NEBS Systems Ltd) now has its first investor, Aire Innovate Limited and we now have an advanced MVP/Alph release.

I am on the amazing NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Scheme and Mid and South Essex Innovation Programme which is supporting/galvanising the project.

NEBS ais a software solution to reduce the times Mental Health and Learning Disability patients are sent 100's of miles from home for care or treatment. Care close to home and family is a right, not a privilege.

Want to know more about me. My company, my aspirations, or what makes me tick.
Just ask.
I'm open, honest, and most of all approachable.

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