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Frances Mortimer's activity

In group: Sustainable Healthcare

Image of 'Frances Mortimer
  • Frances Mortimer posted an update in the group Sustainable Healthcare 3 years, 7 months ago

    I believe that governance in healthcare organisations should be around ‘sustainable value’, ie the health outcomes achieved for patients and populations from the use of environmental, social and financial resources. Our Q Exchange idea is a collaboration between the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust and Warwickshire County Council start demonstrating this in practice: to show how sustainable value can be measured in a clinical service, and to communicate this creatively to build on the positive changes in system-wide collaboration that they have achieved during the Covid response. We would really welcome everybody’s thoughts and suggestions on our idea and how we could make it better/more inspiring (apart from finding a better image to use!):

    Thank you!!