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Adrienne Rogers

Clinical Network Manager, CVD, Respiratory & Diabetes

NHS England - South West

Image of 'Adrienne Rogers

Member's groups

  • Evaluation

    Appropriate good quality evaluation is essential component of quality improvement. This group has been set up to link members who have experience, expertise and an interest in the evaluation of quality […]

  • Liberating Structures in healthcare

    This is a place to share tips, tricks, challenges, plans, ’strings’ and more around using ’Liberating Structures’ for health and care improvement.

    We also meet online on the first Thursday of each month (see […]

  • Improvement Culture Club

    In the current climate, it is very challenging for staff to be able to carry out improvement when they are faced with many pressures and demands. We need to create the right environment and support for staff to be […]

  • Complexity Approaches to support Quality Improvement

    This group will consider the impact of emerging theories around complex systems – such as complex responsive processes, Dialogic OD and systems thinking – on how we approach quality improvement. It will also foc […]

  • Q Visit: Public Digital (virtual)

    This group space is for members coming along to the virtual Q Visit with Public Digital, to share, learn and connect before and after the Visit.