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Haydn Childs's activity

In group: Psychology for Improvement

Image of 'Haydn Childs
  • Haydn Childs posted an update in the group Psychology for Improvement 3 weeks, 1 day ago

    Hi All,

    We would massively appreciate any consideration for the QI Cornwall: Collaborative Quality Improvement for our Community. We are trying to bring together existing QI professionals & enthusiasts from Cornwall health and care system to share learning and spread QI skills so there becomes a recognised QI approach for Cornwall.

    We aim to remove silos and create a ‘hive mind’ where we  unify and deliver consistency for our patients benefits.

    We appreciate you for considering voting for our project on QExchange!

    You can here more from our partners about QI Cornwall here


    • Hi Haydn, your project looks really interesting. Are you in contact with Manda Brookman (Climate and Ecological Lead for and Dr Kath Brown (GP in Newquay and chair of the Cornwall Greener Practice Network)? Both leading on sustainable quality improvement work in primary care across Cornwall.
      I don’t think they are in the Q community but you can find Manda on LinkedIN and Kath via Greener Practice
      It would be great to include sustainability within your QI work – you can read more about this and access free guide, templates at
      Good luck!

      • Hi Nuala,

        Thanks so much – these are really helpful contacts to have! We definitely want to incorporate and make sustainability part of this improvement work. It will be invaluable to gain their insight and knowledge of how we can make this a long term, sustainable change overall for those involved, effected and all of our wider community!

        Thanks so much – if you think of any other links, please do let me know!