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Maria Dorthea Skov's activity

In group: Liberating Structures in healthcare

Image of 'Maria Dorthea Skov
  • Maria Dorthea Skov posted an update in the group Liberating Structures in healthcare 5 months ago

    Hi again everyone!

    Thanks for today’s meet-up to those who joined and especially to @guyperyer and @yvonnemorgan who guided us through TRIZ and facilitated an interesting, courageous conversations on what we must stop doing to make progress on the ambitions for palliative and end of life care.

    Here’s the miro board used to capture insights:

    Slides have been uploaded to documents. 

    Would love to hear any debrief reflections from participants @afrakelsall, @clareclark, @matthewmezey, @louisepatmore, @jo-kitchen and others? How did you find TRIZ? Would you use it in your work place and for what?

    Next month’s meet-up on 6 June we’ll try Agreement and Certainty Matrix – a new one for this community. Register here:

    • Hello, that was a really interesting experience. I have been using TRIZ in an overall systems change way over the last 18 months using its principles. what I have found is people are not overly happy with the online experience of complex thinking, especially if it raises contradiction, uncertainty and confusion you end up in the Maurers process of change, I don’t’ understand , I don’t like it = disengage. the TRIZ method is really good at a very specific subject in of itself where actors are very familiar with it better face to face I think and a bit of fun and not rushed. but this is difficult to do in todays climate. facilitators that are comfortable with it are ok, I have found others who are more project minded than large system find it confusing and adopt a folded arm approach.
      overall I love TRIZ it enables converging thinking and contradictions. we don’t talk about that enough in systems. hope that helps. 🙂

    • Hi @mariadortheaskov thanks for sharing what you did together and the miro board. Triz is one of my favourite liberating Structures – probably because it was the first one I experienced and was completely wowed with the results. I find hard hitting questions like the one you used in the user group work best as participants become emotionally invested.
      I looked though the board you used – I couldn’t read it all as it was as the topic was a bit raw for me at the moment, but it looks like you had great conversations. Zoe

    • I don’t just use it in the context of a session but as an overarching set of system change prerogatives to help understand how the system is working if you are threading, etc.
      Start generally then focus in
      Curiosity – someone somewhere is already doing this, join in
      search out repetitions and patterns
      to search out contradictions in the system and eliminate them
      Converge inquiries and work increase commonality
      work by partnering, don’t go alone.
      creative solutions can be outside the usual realm e.g medical model versus others