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Andrew Ware's activity

In group: Decarbonisation within NHS Wales

Image of 'Andrew Ware
  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Decarbonisation within NHS Wales 1 year, 1 month ago

    Cross posting from sustainable healthcare:- 

    If you have not seen this paper you might find it interesting, thanks to Maimie Thompson for sharing

    Virtual appointments—embracing the opportunity to reduce carbon emissions mustn’t widen health inequalities – BMJ, 22nd May 2023

    Virtual appointments can help the NHS cut its carbon footprint, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of worsening health inequalities.

    “Covid-19 accelerated the routine use of virtual appointments and now these remote services have been woven into the post-pandemic landscape of how the NHS operates.1 Virtual appointments have been lauded for helping the NHS to reduce its carbon footprint. Yet some commentators have raised concerns about the quality of care that can be delivered virtually, and it has been suggested that using remote services will further widen health inequalities”