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Andrea Gibbons's activity

In group: Evidence 4 Quality Improvement

Image of 'Andrea Gibbons
  • Andrea Gibbons posted an update in the group Evidence 4 Quality Improvement 1 year, 1 month ago

    Hi all,

    I hope you are all well.

    This is just a reminder that the next Evidence 4 QI ‘Spotlight’ session is next Friday 24 March from 10.00-11.00.  These are run by the E4QI team and the audience for the Spotlight events is QI teams from across the country and anyone within LKS teams with an interest in QI.

    The Spotlight sessions are 1-hour webinars where each month a different QI team from across the country shares how they ‘do’ QI in their organisation. They talk through the highs and the lows of their own journey and share their learning. All are welcome. For further details and to sign up go to:

    We would be grateful if you could share with your QI teams and hope to see you there.

    Kind regards,
