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Rebecca Griffiths's activity

In group: Sustainable Healthcare

Image of 'Rebecca Griffiths
  • Rebecca Griffiths posted an update in the group Sustainable Healthcare 2 years, 4 months ago

    Hi all

    The Net Zero and Sustainable Procurement team at NHSEI published the How-to guide for walking aid reuse schemes on 11th November 2021.

    The How- to guide can be accessed via the PTOM hub here: How to guides – the PTOM Hub

    The team have been working with NHS trusts across England on a range of walking-aid related pilot activities from expanding established schemes to improving data collection. With an increasing number of NHS organisations (or with over 100 NHS organisations) developing schemes, the net zero and sustainable procurement team would like to give more NHS organisations the opportunity to ask questions on setting up, expanding or overcoming barriers to running a successful walking-aid reuse scheme.

    Drop-in session details:
    At 12pm on Monday 14th March we launch a series of drop-in sessions. The hour-long sessions will run every 6 weeks on MS teams. The content will be flexible to meet the needs of attendees including, background information on the walking aid how-to guides, myth-busting common challenges and plenty of time for Q&A.

    Who are these drop-in sessions for?
    All NHS staff who may be involved with a walking aid reuse scheme, e.g. allied health professionals, procurement colleagues, sustainability leads, operational managers, facilities or waste leads.

    Monday 14th March 12-1pm
    Monday 2nd May 12-1pm
    Monday 13th June 12-1pm

    I can’t easily share the links in short form via this post but if you would like to be sent an invite for the drop-in sessions or have any other questions, please contact:

    • Hello, Rebecca, Thank you for posting this information and for letting us know about drop-ins. From your summary and from my experience working in NHS Trusts I’m sure that this will be a valuable piece of work and be a welcome support for teams and patients using aids. I think that the allied health professionals SIG would also be interested in this

      • Hi Olivia, thank you that’s a helpful sign post! I have shared with the Greener AHP network via Future NHS but I will also post in the AHP Q group too.

    • My other suggestion is to contact allied health professional (AHP) leaders and other AHPs in this group directly. You can look through the members of this group quite easily. Also, the search function at the top of the page will search the whole of the Q Community. People are friendly and keen to help so please don’t hesitate in reaching out. I know that Caroline Poole is a member of this group and very supportive of sustainable healthcare so she might be a good person to contact in the first instance (if you’re not already working with her on this project, which you might be!)

      • Ah we are linked up with Caroline Poole, she has already kindly picked my post up from the Greener AHP discussion forum. This is good to know though, thank you.

    • I’m so glad and hope that many of this group and the AHP group in Q benefit from and take part in your workshops.

      @emilyfenby-taylor @rachelhemingway and @rebeccafisher from this group may also be interested and able to help with spreading the word. The wonder of our member directory!