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Q during COVID-19

Find out more about Q’s emerging plans for supporting the community during the pandemic.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is creating unprecedented demands on the health system and prompting major changes in the scale, pace and focus of improvement efforts. Many Q community members are playing an active part in the response

Q is committed to connecting and supporting those leading service change across the UK and Ireland in response to COVID-19.

We will continue to support members and others to share and connect on improvement topics that are relevant to you – whatever your role and involvement in the response to COVID-19. Join our groups, read or post a blog, share a resource, or contact us on Twitter to quickly get your questions out to the community.

The Q team will also focus on topics, developed in consultation with partners and members, that have relevance to many in the Q community and beyond:

  1. Rapid improvement and learning – supporting people to capture, review and learn from the rapid innovation and improvement driven by the pandemic; what can we learn for the future to adapt the ways we work and the programmes we implement?
  2. Virtual consultations – sharing resources and tips, and supporting learning and reflection as this major shift in service provision is rolled out across the UK and Ireland at incredible pace.
  3. Staff health and wellbeing – mainly led by our Health Foundation colleagues who are scoping targeted grants to bolster existing or adapted work, in Q we will share your examples, insights and learning as you respond to the short- and long-term impacts of the outbreak on staff.

These themes are still in development. We’re exploring the different ways Q can best contribute and will share more on our plans soon. As we scope and deliver this work, we encourage members to get in touch and get involved. Share your insight, questions or areas of interest through a blog or on Twitter.

Learning together – flexibly and quickly – and making best use of what’s already known has never been more important.

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