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Video consulting during Covid-19

Sustainable Healthcare’s Documents | Video consulting during Covid-19

The use of the Near Me video system, which links patients, care home residents and carers to health and social care staff, was rapidly scaled up at the outbreak of the pandemic to reduce the need for face-to-face appointments.

Now, a report by experts from Oxford University has concluded that using the technology has helped to reduce the risk of infection and allowed for continued service provision in the face of all the challenges imposed by Covid-19.

The report, published today (23rd March 2021), follows an in-depth evaluation of the video consulting service during Covid-19. Professor Trisha Greenhalgh, one of the evaluation report’s co-authors, said:

“There’s no doubt that Scotland hit the ground running with video consultations – and there are clear lessons here for other countries. This technology has made a vital contribution to public health in Scotland.”

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