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Tom Jefford

Joint CEO

Family Psychology Mutual CIC

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  • Hilda Campbell MBE posted an update in the group Third sector 10 months, 1 week ago

    What do members of this SIG want this space to offer?

    I wondered whether people may be interested in an online chat via this update page on the 29th of November where we share our hopes and aspirations for the SIG by sharing posts? The idea being during the day of the 29th of November we put our ideas as updates and perhaps respond to those…Read more

    • Sorry Hilda I completely missed this post! :/ it’s a great idea but my sense is that there is not enough (active) members in this SIG to make it successful. And potentially not enough interest to keep this SIG going. Will have a chat about this with Matthew today and get back to you properly.

      • Hi Hilda and Maria,
        Sorry for slow response but I have been really stretched recently. Even with backfill I am not sure I would have capacity to convene but I do think promoting and supporting the role of VCSE as a partner in the improvement space is important. I am not sure that requires a specific SIG or if it is more about Q as a whole…Read more

    • @sonal I’d love to hear more about, I’ve put on my to-do list for the new year to email you 🙂

  • Hilda Campbell MBE posted an update in the group Third sector 10 months, 1 week ago

    Hi All

    I have moved this piece here in case its not seen, its a response to Maria’s comment below…….

    Hi Maria

    Thanks for that. I am reflecting if no one else wants to convene this SIG/apply to the supporting Q connections fund to help backfill time to convene, then it may be something which I could offer to do, however, I am not sure if…Read more

  • Hello all

    I am aware Pete has had to step down as convenor of this SIG due to other commitments. I am not sure if anyone else has decided they want to step into this role?

    Remember there is supporting Q connections funding which can help backfill time to invest in this. For more information …Read more

    • Thanks for bringing this up Hilda. I haven’t heard from anyone who’d like to step up as a convener. I like your suggestions and I am also brainstorming and exploring potential ways to keep this ‘third sector’ topic/conversation alive in the Q community. I’ll be in touch 🙂

      • Hi Maria
        Thanks for that. I am reflecting if no one else wants to convene this SIG/apply to the supporting Q connections fund to help backfill time to convene, then it may be something which I could offer to do, however, I am not sure if the ideas I have for taking this forward would fit with the members of the 3rd sector SIG so am quite happy to…Read more

    • Also warmly welcome ideas from other members!? Are you working on a great project within/with the third sector that you’d like to share about?

  • Maria Dorthea Skov posted a notice in the group Third sector: “A message from Pete Donnelly, Third Sector SIG convener” 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dear Third Sector SIG Members,

    I hope this message finds you all well. I wanted to take a moment to share some news with the group.

    Due to some new commitments and responsibilities, I regret to inform you that I will be stepping down from my role as the convener of our group.

    It has been a rewarding experience working with all of you,…Read more

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