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Steve Evans

Specialist Registrar in Anaesthesia

Derriford Hospital, Plymouth

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Dr Steve Evans


Steve is an anaesthetic registrar who works in the South-West. Following graduation from Nottingham University in 2008 he has worked across wide-ranging clinical specialties in three different countries. His interest in the high-risk surgical patient has provided the foundations for excellent perioperative care whilst promoting health awareness and illness prevention. Helping patients prepare for major-surgery through the use of pre-operative assessment, prehabilitation and shared decision making is extremely rewarding and highly relevant in the modern day climate of the the National Health Service.

“I am delighted to become part of the Q Community. Being part of a forward-thinking and dynamic group gives me immense pride and pleasure. Holistic, patient-centred care is of paramount importance and I look forward to promoting this ethos in my future work.”

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