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Simon Dallas

Quality Improvement Lead

Devon Partnership Trust

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  • Thank you everyone for attending and the awesome support from Maria and Matthew.  Both Afra and I really enjoyed and benefitted from our pairing and I will definitely sign up to facilitate a session again.  I still love Liberating Structures and this has experience has deepened my interest in finding the right fit for some of the situations I n…Read more

  • Like Maria, I wanted to thank Petra and Afra for a rewarding and challenging session around understanding complexity etc by using the Agreement-Certainty Matrix – and all the attendees too.

    If you joined the Zoom please fill in this quick feedback survey – to help us improve our Liberating Structures meet-ups:…Read more

  • Hi again again everyone 🙂

    Thanks a lot to those of you who came along to today’s meet-up and community trial of Liberating Structure Agreement-Certainty Matrix. Hope you found it useful and interesting? Do share any thoughts, comments and/or learnings below.

    And special thanks to @petrabee for holding and guiding us through what is quite a c…Read more

  • Good morning folks, happy first Thursday of June! And Liberating Structures meet-up day 😉 Looking forward to seeing some of you at 12pm and trying out Agreement-Certainty Matrix together. If you haven’t registered yet here’s the link to do so: 

    As you know our monthly meet-ups…Read more

  • Hi all,

    Been running a medicines related podcast for a few years with some success. We’ve done a few live shows and even done a live show!

    However we are stuck on about 600 regular listeners and struggling to grow. We are three middle aged blokes so rubbish on social media which I suspect might be what we want to think about!

    Anyhow – I’d…Read more

    • I would be pleased with those figures! That’s a loyal following on a niche subject.

      I think some of my plans to grow the podcast you are already doing- threads on X, getting your guests tagged and sharing, LinkedIn posts.

      These are some questions I’m using to plan how to share and grow our new podcast. It’s time consuming to be everywhere on…Read more

    • +1 to what Jo said, Paul, I think 600 regulars on a niche topic is quite something 🙂

      Besides the usual social media hustle, have you thought about guests? If you ask your guests to help you with promotion, you get exposed to a highly-relevant new audience. Besides, it adds variety to the podcast episodes themselves.

  • Jo Kitchen posted an update in the group Videos & Podcasts 4 weeks ago

    Hi all,

    I’ve made a podcast, got it on Spotify for Podcasters super easily but am now having difficulty getting it other platforms for a whole variety of verification issues and wondered if anyone had any workarounds. 

    1. Amazon wants a phone number not registered with another account but I don’t have a work phone number. 

    2. Apple won’t v…Read more

    • Hmmmmm I was under the impression that Spotify for Podcasters would help you exactly with those pesky details – though Youtube is a different matter (it does take ages, it happens I’m afraid).

      Can you just clarify to me, are you having those troubles inside the Spotify for Podcasters platform?

      • I might be misunderstanding but Spotify for Podcasters hosts the podcast & generates the RSS feed. Then some podcast streaming sites and apps pick it up automatically from Spotify but Apple and YouTube don’t.
        As google podcasts is closing this month I think the push for android is towards YouTube so worth getting the Podcast on there too.

        I’ve…Read more

    • Hey @jo-kitchen

      As far as I understand, Spotify for Podcasters distributes your podcast to many different platforms – and that should include Apple Podcasts.

      It used to be owned by a company called Anchor, and this company made the deals, not Spotify. But as Spotify bought it, the same deals remained. I found this page here specifically on Apple…Read more

      • Thanks Joriam, once your Podcast is submitted to apple all subsequent episodes are uploaded to them from Spotify but you do need to set up a new Apple ID to submit your Podcast in the first case.

        Interestingly with YouTube I think once they’ve got your RSS feed then it gets the episodes from Spotify- I just went to check and they are there…Read more

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