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Nuala Hampson (she/her)'s activity

In group: Primary Care

Image of 'Nuala Hampson (she/her)
  • Nuala Hampson (she/her) posted an update in the group Primary Care 1 month ago

    Dear all

    I’m interested in the thoughts of this group to help us to further refine our planning for our shortlisted Q exchange project which focuses on avoidable medicines waste in care homes. 

    We aim to map out processes from care homes, GP practices and community pharmacies in relation to the monthly process of ordering medicines for care home residents to identify the challenges/ problems and co-create solutions with the three involved parties. 

    So, if you work in a care home, GP practice or community pharmacy and are involved in the monthly medicines process, could you share:

    What are your key insights on this process?

    What would you change about the process?

    For GP practices, are you aware of the volume of prescribing or the volume of the waste medicines which are created as part of this process.

    Do you feel you have a good working relationship with the GP practice/ care home / community pharmacy? If so, how has this come about, how do you communicate?

    You can read the full outline of our project here

