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Mihai Picior

Clinical Lead - Learning and Development

Mountain Healthcare (Surrey Police custodies)

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Health manager, and postgraduate student, currently studying change management, health economics and commissioning of integrated care in a new legislative and regulatory context at Masters level at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
In 2023 I published a research paper in the Journal of Integrated Care which introduced a Custody Health Integration and Liaison (CHIL) model of care in police custodies in England. A free-access version can be found on Brighton and Sussex Medical School research portal.

In 2024 I became involved in research related to evaluation in public health interventions with Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Brighton and Hove City Council.

These lay the foundation of introducing quality improvement interventions in custody care with a view of evaluating them from a public health perspective (outcome, economic and process evaluation).

Any quality improvement process has an embedded change aspect that must be managed appropriately. I have focused part of my studies on a longer-term research project on the management of change and their effects in complex systems specific to large healthcare organisations, such as the NHS.

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