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Kim Diprose's activity

In group: Coaching Improvement

Image of 'Kim Diprose
  • Kim Diprose posted an update in the group Coaching Improvement 3 years, 5 months ago

    Hi, I’m currently training as a coach, and would love to bring my skills to support the development of QI skills, hence my interest in this group.

    • Hi Kim. Sounds great. We’re really keen to creating a network of experienced coaches (and new coaches) to share experiences, learning etc. We’re working on the ‘quality coach’ programme at the moment, with a view to making a free-to-access teaching resource for coaching improvement. If you’d like to get involved please email me

      • Hi Sid, I dropped you an email a couple of weeks ago, but I’m wondering if it got stuck in spam as it came from my gmail account. I am keen to get involved. I’ve been using a coaching approach to leadership and management for some time, so doing my coaching qualification (ILM7) is intended to build on and hopefully enhance my skills. My email address is

    • Thanks for the email Sid – I have replied, so hoping it will make it through this time!