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Joanna Moore's activity

In group: Liberating Structures in healthcare

Image of 'Joanna Moore
  • Joanna Moore posted an update in the group Liberating Structures in healthcare 3 years, 3 months ago

    Hi all, I am facilitating a Teams meeting between 15 first contact practitioners (a new AHP led role within primary care) and 15-20 GP/nursing colleagues who are using the service locally. The goal is to understand what is working well/not working in the localities so far and to generate ideas for future use of the role within the system.
    I am nervous as there are some tricky dynamics and I want to use simple structures to engage the teams and open up discussions. I thought of using 1-2-4-all for generating improvement ideas but not sure which is best for creating the safe space for the initial bit about what is going well/not well. Any ideas would be gratefully received.

    • Hi Joanne
      Dependent on the duration of your session you can string some LS .
      1) Start with impromptu networking in pairs and your invitation could be what is working well.
      2) Follow up with Mad tea and your invitation could be what is not working well
      3) End with 1-2-4 with idea generation.

      Alternatively you can also use
      1) Impromptu networking for introduction and breaking the silence/dynamics
      2) Then use What , So What and What next

      Do factor in time for whole group feedback of each breakout rooms either in person or through chat.

      Hope this is helpful.

      • Thank you so much for your reply and brilliant help, it all makes sense and I think it will work well in that format. I really appreciate it and will let you know how it goes. 🙂

    • Dear all- just an update to let you know that we ran the group using 3 structures-
      Impromptu Networking
      Modified Mad Tea
      Give and Get (modified WINFY).
      It was a very successful meeting with good outcomes and feedback from the 50+ attendees!
      There was lots of technical learning on my side (information sent out early/ importance of co-host/practice with BO rooms/needing another facilitator to pull themes from the chat) but the main takeaway was the importance of really understanding the context and relationships within the group before the meeting.
      Special thank you to Lyse Edwards for all her help and wisdom, and to Sophia Mody for her ideas! Jo