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Heather Morrison (She/Her)

Senior QI Project Manager

Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance

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I worked in mental health for 20 years, mostly in research within the NHS. In 2021 I moved to Health Innovation NWC (then the Innovation Agency) for my first project management role. There, I worked closely with a colleague from Aqua where we coached teams on mental health inpatient wards around reducing restrictive practice using QI methodology. Through this project we reduced the use of restrictive practice across 12 wards by between 25-95%. I then moved on to a programme management role in the regional mental health team at NHSE but found that I missed the 'on the ground' involvement and using my QI and project management skills. I am now a Senior QI Project Manager at the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, where I lead on Head and Neck and Skin cancer projects. I recently completed my silver level QI training through the NHS Improvement Academy (facilitated by one of my lovely colleagues).

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