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George Fyvie

Executive Business Manager

Church of St John the Evangelist

Image of 'George Fyvie


Business Manager of St Johns Church Princes St and the Cornerstone Centre, a thriving hub of charitable organisation's, Social Enterprises, community events, outdoor events and shopping outlets in the heart of Edinburgh.

I Line manage over a dozen staff and over 100 volunteers and act as the central hub of the organisation.
I have been involved in the Cornerstone Centre from design level, right through to implementation of the multi-million pound project through the various phases from build to completion and beyond, as well as directing all the day to day running and future strategy of the business.

I am responsible for day to day management, short and long term strategy, fundraising, facilities management, recruitment, finance operations, budget making, payroll, IT management, corporate hospitality, stakeholder management, training, design,maintenance management, stakeholder management, networking, working with the boards of the various associates operators and internal committee's.

Previously to this post I operated as a multi-site Manager going from owning a 4 unit hospitality company to running some of Edinburgh's largest multi-million pound operations.

I enjoy the challenge of exciting and demanding environment's and thrive on the satisfaction of the generation, development and successful implementation of new initiatives.

My passions are working with Social Enterprises, Charities and Community Groups making a difference in people's day to day lives and futures.

I have proven Communication and Event Management and cost cutting skills and am adept at quickly resolving issues as they arise.

I encourage team work, engender a spirit of self motivation and good staff morale and strive for excellent customer service at all times.

I am a firm believer in leading by example and utilizing people’s talents to achieve their full potential.

I volunteer with several community organisations and I am a community counselor.

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