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Dan Harley's activity

In group: Digital

Image of 'Dan Harley
  • Dan Harley posted an update in the group Digital 8 months, 1 week ago

    Hi, I’m searching for information about individuals/ organisations  using  SMS to deliver e-surveys to assess patient satisfaction with healthcare services. In Scotland NHS 24, Scottish Ambulance Service and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are at different stages of adopting/ implementing this method and achieved interesting results. We are enthusiastic about connecting with others to exchange knowledge and experiences in this field. Best wishes, Dan

    • Hi Dan,

      I just saw your post and thought I would send you a surprising and left field answer to your question. I saw that you are interested in system change. We are having a meeting tomorrow and you might be keen, or curious ?! Dear friends and colleagues,

      Tom, Will and I are hosting a meeting tomorrow to consider the question: Given the climate emergency, how do we inspire and encourage creative approaches to health and healthcare ?

      Here is the link

      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 849 3411 9099
      Passcode: 065459

      The purpose of meeting is to make a space for a new approach in healthcare, the beginnings of a new mindset. Someone said at the last meeting, “make a space for creativity and change will happen.” You are one of the essential ingredients – we have deliberately invited people with many different skills and experiences.

      The reason for calling this and the following meetings now is that we are facing crises on a number of fronts, and business as usual just won’t do.
      I don’t know what has touched you recently but I have seen so much flooding this winter, more than ever before in my life. I can’t help thinking that the rise of political extremism is a result and another cause of climate change and worsening inequality.

      We choose to create a space that is hopeful, playful and creative because as they say in Terminator 2: “The future has not been written. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves”. There will be introductory break out rooms, so don’t worry if you cannot make 1pm precisely. We will then briefly explain what we are proposing and why now? There will be a 30 minute discussion in breakout rooms, and then we will hear back from all the groups to pick out common themes and ideas. We will formulate an action plan – what micro changes can we make today? And we will figure out the question that will then feed into the next session, which is on Tuesday the 27th of Feb, 1pm – 2.30.

      With love and small acts of creative transgression,
