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Caroline Poole's activity

In group: Allied Health Professions in Quality Improvement

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  • Caroline Poole posted an update in the group Allied Health Professions in Quality Improvement 5 years, 3 months ago

    I’m soon going to be working on the production of 4 ‘Quick Guides’; these are a collection of great, impactful practice and are intended to showcase to the system what AHPs can do….we did one last year around AHPs in urgent and emergency care and it massively helped raise the bar on expectations and opportunities for AHPs to be part of trust/system solutions. So this year’s topics are: occupational health; recovery in mental health, learning disabilities and autism, and cardiovascular/respiratory disease. I’m wondering if anyone on here has undertaken any fab QI projects in any of these areas, if so would you email me on Ditto if you know of networks where I can find such examples that would be really appreciated. I ask this group as you will be hot on the measurement side of things so we can demonstrate real impact! thank you

    • These 4 ‘Quick Guides’ sound great. Make sure that Q retweets about them, when they are live 🙂
      If you need more help to find the right QI project examples, I can retweet a request about that too.