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Adrienne Lee's activity

In group: Perioperative Care – Prehabilitation

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  • Adrienne Lee posted an update in the group Perioperative Care – Prehabilitation 1 year, 6 months ago

    Hi everyone,
    I’m Adrienne, one of the anaesthetic trainees at UHP. I have submitted an initial idea to the Q exchange grant on reducing our surgical/ procedural waiting times for our LD patients. Would be grateful for your expertise, comments and feedback!

    • Hi Adrienne, thanks for joining our SIG! This sounds like a great project with the potential to really improve outcomes for LD patients. It would be great to hear more about your local waiting well initiative. I like that you are planning to take a system approach to the project. Does it have any involvement from primary or community care? Also, do you think there is a role for upskilling or education for any perioperative team members? For example, I know that our pre-assessment nurses are always interested in teaching on topics. I like that you are planning to share the project with LD patients. Is it possible to involve any of them in the design (this is not a group that I have much experience engaging with). I really hope that you will keep us up to date with your progress.

      • Hi Garry,
        Nice to hear from you.
        – We are hoping to get involvement from the community and LiveWell South West, still in the process of seeing what that will look like.
        – Education is a great idea, and will consider implementing it with the new role we are planning to create.
        – We are also keen on PPIE with the LD group (currently only written in our budget), but will include it into our idea submission.