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Aarti Bansal

GP & Clinical Academic

Burngreave Surgery

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  • Aarti Bansal posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Sarah!

    Yes. I founded greener practice and am intimately involved with GIFH, which is a great tool for primary care to get involved with sustainability. The GIFH has criteria areas and one of the outcomes of this work could be to integrate specific QI into the GIFH. Another would be to incorporate it into the next QoF to deliver funding to practices.

  • Aarti Bansal posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Thomas!
    Just wanted to say that I am now going off-line for just over a week, but look forward to seeing what other interest there is when I return.

  • Aarti Bansal posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Liz! I have co-written a guide on sustainable inhalers which the NHSE inhalers group has given feedback on and will hopefully endorse soon. Medicines management are definitely important. Thanks for the other links. This ask is about developing QI templates. Greener NHS have prioritised reducing MDI inhalers as one of the first activities that…Read more

  • Aarti Bansal posted an update in the group Primary Care 3 years, 5 months ago

    Co-creating QI for Greener Respiratory Care?
    Hello Primary Care SIG!
    I am a GP in Sheffield and have been considering how QI can support general practice towards more environmentally sustainable practice. Many of you may know the the majority of the general practice carbon footprint is in prescribing and that metered dose inhalers (MDIs) are of…Read more

    • Hi @aartibansal Have you asked the medicines Management SIG? sustainable inhaler use is a NHSE workstream I think (not my area of work). there is also a twitter group that may be of use so put an ask to them and while on Twitter is the lead respiratory pharmacist to link in with too

      • Good networking Liz!

      • Hi Liz! I have co-written a guide on sustainable inhalers which the NHSE inhalers group has given feedback on and will hopefully endorse soon. Medicines management are definitely important. Thanks for the other links. This ask is about developing QI templates. Greener NHS have prioritised reducing MDI inhalers as one of the first activities that…Read more

    • Aarti, This looks like an interesting project. I can see the value of creating a process visualisation on the selection of alternative to MDI. With the help of the co-design team on the 26th I could put the resulting process on line so that the QI project could reach a larger audience and much consideration and input regarding net zero issues on…Read more

      • Thanks Thomas!
        Just wanted to say that I am now going off-line for just over a week, but look forward to seeing what other interest there is when I return.

      Hi Aarti- I am sure you have seen this from the RCGP as part of the greener practice toolkit.

      • Hi Sarah!

        Yes. I founded greener practice and am intimately involved with GIFH, which is a great tool for primary care to get involved with sustainability. The GIFH has criteria areas and one of the outcomes of this work could be to integrate specific QI into the GIFH. Another would be to incorporate it into the next QoF to deliver funding to practices.

    • Hi Aarti,
      Good to see you are looking at this and hope you are well. Have you discussed with the UK PCRS group as well ? They have a whats app group for respiratory leaders some of whom might be interested. Many PCNS are looking at how they deliver resp care so something around networks would be helpful. In our area many practices using ardens…Read more

  • Hello Primary Care SIG!
    I am a GP in Sheffield and have been considering how QI can support general practice towards more environmentally sustainable practice. Many of you may know the the majority of the general practice carbon footprint is in prescribing and that metered dose inhalers (MDIs) are of particular concern. Reducing the impact of…Read more

  • Aarti Bansal changed their profile picture 3 years, 5 months ago

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