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Catherine Richards's activity

In group: Sustainable Healthcare

Image of 'Catherine Richards
  • Catherine Richards posted an update in the group Sustainable Healthcare 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Dear all,

    Last month The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) welcomed over 250 attendees from across the world 🌍 to our annual SusQI showcase!

    It was a real celebration demonstrating transformative change driven by combining sustainability principles with QI methodologies, helping us to move to a more sustainable, ethical, and equitable healthcare system.

    If you were not able to attend or would like to listen again you can find all recordings of the sessions here:

    Elaine Mead Introduced the showcase, sharing the importance of sustainable and equitable healthcare systems for all, and how local action driven by combining sustainability and QI can have a global impact! see her Keynote speech here: 

    SusQI offers practical tools and support to easily embed sustainability into existing quality improvement methodology, so this becomes part of how we do improvement and not an add on or additional ask of staff.

    Emma and Faye from South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust presented their approach to embedding sustainability into their existing QI training and programmes, and how this has delivered real impact for patient and staff outcomes, cut carbon and costs. Listen here:

    Rachel Cottom and Rachel Morris from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals discussed how they are maintaining momentum after their successful Green Team Competition through establishing sustainability networks across the South Yorkshire region, holding a festival of sustainability generating more change ideas and embedding sustainability into QI training resulting in CSH’s Established Beacon Site status. The team is now looking at all improvement work in their Microsystems Academy using a sustainability lens and are expanding their focus more broadly within the Trust. Listen here: 

    I have added links to CSH resources and programmes which supported the work showcased in June to the documents of this group.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or my colleagues if you would like to know more or have any questions. 

    Have a great weekend! ☀