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Maria Dorthea Skov's activity

In group: Coaching Improvement

Image of 'Maria Dorthea Skov
  • Maria Dorthea Skov posted an update in the group Coaching Improvement 6 days, 9 hours ago

    Do you know a Professional Nurse and Midwife Advocate? Here’s an offer for them!

    @martinhogan recently launched a new Special Interest Group (SIG) for Professional Advocacy, a programme that has been developed by NHS England for nurses and midwives. Professional Nurse and Midwife Advocates support the personal and professional wellbeing of nurses and midwives through a range of innovative listening and engagement tools, including restorative clinical supervision.

    Discover more about Professional Advocacy and Martin’s work as the lead nurse for the Parliament of Professional Advocates in this blog

    We’d also love support in spreading the word about this new network so if you know someone in the role of Professional Nurse and/or Midwife Advocate or any other QI professionals who may be interested in Professional Advocacy, please share the SIG, the blog linked above – or this tweet – with them. If this is you, please join the SIG! 🙂

    Any questions reach out to @martinhogan.